The Cyclical Pulse of the Planet
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Criticality of the temperature changes

Southern China Earth Quake frequency and temperature

The global Northern hemisphere temperature changes have great impact to the Earth quake frequency in Southern China area.  In periods of 1900-1940, 1940-1970 and 1970-2000 and beyond the frequency is first seen to increase as temperature increases, then decrease between 1940 and 1970 and then again increase when anomaly of late 1900 takes place. Please order the book to find more information about this type of relations in other areas important for humans.

Southern China Highlights
Southern China Highlights
Southern China Highlights
Temperature and earthquake frequency changes
Increasing temperature also increases earthquake frequency in general. Some areas are impacted more and some less, but the correlation is obvious. The plates are floating on the magma, which in turn gives much greater degree of freedom to the movements. Quite modest forces related to the glaciers can effectively tolerate the sliding movements of tectonic plates.
Solar forcing and temperature

The increasing Obliquity is the trigger for the Temperature transition. The Eccentricity phase also has an impact in the warm periods. Eccentricity turning point time impacts the Obliquity trigger point, and warm period lenght is varied. The Sun radiation values correlate very well with the observations on the temperature changes.

Ozone depletion and temperature

The connection between the Polar ozone depletion and temperature is analysed. When the Polar temperature has dropped enough, the depletion is stopped. However this is only half of the truth. The observed three year latency for this regulatory mechanism is because of the Solar cycle. 

Today the North Pole and the South Pole behave in different ways is terms of the ozone depletion. The most striking finding is that the South Pole would be getting much colder if the temperatures of the last two years would not have been within the temperature averages. From a historical perspective the Poles were showing homogeneous ozone depletion and temperature behaviour earlier.

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